Encontro que afeta...

Aos artistas do corpo
"Arte e ciencia se complementam... arte é um processo evolutivo, é um processo adaptativo e etc. Porque é que você usa o seu corpo, porque é que você dança? Você não dança por simplesmente dançar, o que você esta fazendo é explorar o espaco-tempo, dimensionar novos graus de liberdade na natureza corporal no espaco-tempo, isso é dançar. Porque é necessario dançar ? Nao é meramente pela beleza da dança,  é um processo concreto adaptativo. Se um dia houver necessidade do corpo fazer movimentos inesperados, nao tradicionais em uma situação inovadora, quem vai levar vantagem em fazer isso, é o artista do corpo, uma pessoa comum vai ter mais dificuldade em fazer. Imagine por exemplo a seguinte circunstância...imagine que derrepente você vai viver num planeta onde o campo gravitacional é menor do que o da terra, você vai ter que reaprender a se mover, a andar, a se equilibrar, num campo gravitacional diferente as circuntâncias mudam, você vai ter que aprender tudo de novo. Um artista do corpo teria mais vantagem em fazer isso, uma pessoa comum vai ter mais dificuldade de fazer..."
                                                               Palavras do mestre Jorge Albuquerque 

18 de dezembro 2011
a partir das 15hs @ Faz. Agua Branca

Esta edição do «  Encontro Arte na Figueira », tem como objetivo solidificar-se como um evento de arte híbrida, onde criadores intérpretes de diferentes aréas; teatro, dança, performance, circo, músicos e artistas plásticos, se encontrem a fim de compartilharem seus processos artísticos. O evento proporcionará aos participantes e ao público contato com profissionais que atuam em diferentes partes do mundo, possibilitando abrangência de rede cultural, troca de idéias e enriquecimento artístico.

Hoping to arrive on the 9th of november in Rio de Janeiro.

Paris, from the 04th til 08th of november
Staying with my friend Graziela Andrade, who came to study her PhD in Paris, she develops her research into; Corpografia, to know more about it have a look in the link below:  www.corpographiept.blogspot.com

Estou hospedada na casa de minha querida amiga, Graziela Andrade, que veio para Paris estudar seu doutorado. Grazi pesquisa a Corpografia, para saber melhor sobre seus projetos, visite o link acima.

Performance in Berlin in collaboration with Verena Kutschera

3rd of november, Berlin - Germany

from the 27th october til the 04th of november, I'll be in Berlin rehearsing with Verena Kutschera for the snoWhite performance
PAF - Performing Arts Forum, Saint Erme, France

O lugar do artista

Tenho prazer em perceber encontros que me afetam, recentemente o lugar que mais me afetou desde o inicio da minha estadia na Franca, se chama PAF - Performing Arts Forum, dirigido por Jan Ritsema, localizado no vilarejo de St. Erme, a 150km de Paris. Este lugar é destinado a residências de criação ou desenvolvimento de algum projeto artístico já em andamento, e como no momento estou no processo de criação da performance snoWhite em parceria com a coreografa alemã, Verena Kutschera, achamos que PAF seria o lugar ideal para nos concentrarmos.

Dito e feito, PAF organiza-se através do “self-organization”, cada um é responsável pelas tarefas básicas de uma casa, pela ocupação dos estúdios de ensaio, pelo material que se pega emprestado no “Media Center” e etc .

Este lugar proporciona encontros com artistas de diversas áreas, de diferentes nacionalidades, cada um com um processo criativo pra contar. O “sharing” (dividir) é uma das políticas do local, “sharing” de idéias, vontades, crises e é por esse motivo que divido aqui esta minha experiência, esperando que essa possa colaborar como informação útil para quem esta criando ou simplesmente gerando questões. Pude assistir e apresentar performances na antiga capela que pertence ao prédio da PAF que já foi um convento, esconderijo dos alemães durante a segunda guerra mundial e uma seita religiosa, la dentro existe um “vazio-cheio” de imagens que circula o tempo todo.

Cada canto deste casarão é curioso, as visíveis camadas de tinta, os papeis de parede que se descascam e pedras entre o cimento estão presentes em vários estúdios, pra mim estes já serviam de material estético para qualquer obra. PAF, transportou-me 100% para meu universo criativo, minha concentração era intensa, não ha diretores dizendo o que o interprete deve fazer. Neste lugar você e o próprio diretor da sua obra, com possibilidades de colaborações, neste espaço redescobri a importância de estar conectada com minhas habilidades, organizado-as num espaço-tempo perfeito, onde a liberdade pode ser utilizada como ferramenta geradora de potencialidades. Se existe um lugar ideal para o artista, acredito que este possa ser um entre vários outros existentes mundo a fora. Agora fica ai uma vontade de colecionar lugares... Se você conhece e gostaria de dividir, por favor entre em contato.

from the 07th til the 19th of october, 2011 I was developing the snoWhite project in collaboration with Verena Kutschera, we were researching and rehearsing at PAF
And here I share some moments of my creative process

E aqui eu divido momentos sobre meu processo criativo

cooking with Verena and other artists, "Raclette soiree"

Discussing with mama Ursa about the "snoWhite" project, what she thinks, what she is doing in Campo Grande, at this moment in the picture, she was connected to a "paje" (leader of a tribe) or just an indian, she couldn't really talk, it was a contemplative moment to her. Actually I was not allowed to take pictures but I found that moment so interesting that I think it's worth sharing and also start working for a new performance with my mum's indian state of being. Love you mama!!! Thank you for being who you are, You are my favourite artist!
Montpellier-Millau, september 

Preparing Nomad Gondwana blog, going to Millau everyweekend to help Jean with his small concerts, focusing on my training and Jean's documentary, images we have done in so many places we have been, how to edit?? what to take?? what do I want to communicate with all those images?? 

Researching...always.... reading "awareness" from Osho, reference from my australian "soul sister", Hedda Moye. 

It was very good to take the training of BMC but it is true it makes you even more sensitive towards your inner body, it is such a powerful practice, with loads of new discoveries, would love to take the full tranning in the US, if you find this practice where you live, please make it, it's worth trying, no regrets, I garatee.

Stage de rentrée BMC & improvisation
danseurs professionnels et avancés

Du 5 au 9 septembre et du 12 au 16 septembre 2011
Avec Hélène Cathala, Jérôme D’Orso et Dominique Noël

Deux semaines portées par différents regards sur l’improvisation, offrant des axes de travail que chacun pourra s’approprier pour sa propre recherche.

10h-13h    Body-Mind Centering®, exploration et intégration en mouvement
Dominique Nöel proposera dans cet atelier une exploration sur les schèmes de développement reliés aux différents systèmes du corps. Les outils d'exploration sont le toucher, la visualisation , la voix et une intégration en mouvement. Ce travail offre aux danseurs un plus grand potentiel de mouvement, une meilleure connaissance de soi-même, une autre manière d’envisager la présence et une matière qui nourrira l’atelier qui suit.

14 h-17h Improvisation - Interprétation
Par Hélène Cathala et Jérôme D’Orso. Cet atelier débutera par une mise en « disponibilité » physique à travers des exercices sensoriels très précis ou des situations de relation à l’espace ou à l’autre. Ensuite, en lien avec le travail proposé en Body-Mind Centering, il sera proposé de partager les expériences qui ont nourri leur recherche récente d’interprète et de chorégraphe.
Cadaques and Barcelona (Spain), 02nd of september til the 05th of september

One of my favourite places, from everything I've seen till now, it's called Cadaques, the city where Salvador Dali built a house with Gala (his wife). Dali was born in Figueras (city located two hours from Montpellier). He says: "to understand my work you need to visit Cadaques". Actually, there is nothing to be understood in his work, as everything is surrealistis but there are so many elements in his paintings that now I can get better than before... Actually, Cap de Creus, a gorgeus area of Cadaques, one of the most beautiful views I have ever seen, such a spiritual place, full of peace.

Cap de Creus +++ local de contemplação divina.
Beautiful, incredible, sacred... how come certain things happen and we can not explain?! Meetings that can come as a symbol. Encontrei Alex em Cap de Creus, um amigo Catalao que viajou de bike comigo pelo sul da Bahia em janeiro de 2004, depois descreverei melhor essa viajem... la tb encontrei explicações de q tenho energia de pássaros, pássaros que são pedras, pedras que são mar, mar que mar, que eh nada, que eh tudo, que eh infinito. Journey through my soul, soul that does not explain anything but it feels something... Nature!!! Wind (catavento), vento que contorna a superfície do corpo, e eh através deste contato que acho o sentido pleno da vida...mountains all over, a great combination with the ocean, it’s there where we find the explanation of Dali’s great paintings, actually I don’t know if we need to find explanations for that, do we?! Digo que por algum tempo estou concentrada no espírito, não sei exatamente como expressar. Se volto a fita, percebo q a Franca não foi muito espiritual, quer dizer quando me encontro com minha amiga cantora Grace, percebo uma presença diferente, mas na real a viagem a Califórnia foi o recomeço de um novo ciclo espiritual, o qual sempre esta comigo, mas muitas vezes não eh ativado e quando o ativo percebo o quanto eh forte. <<<Power of Drums >>> <<< Power of Drums >>> a strong experience, the chacra roots at Califórnia, the hippies, the rock and roll, the stars of Hollywood, the american way of life of fast food, business, artificial people but very cool things, beautiful ladscapes, route 1entre Los Angeles e San Francisco via Big sur, pasando por St Barbara, Carmel, foca, leões marinhos, mas não vi baleias :0((( não encanar, positivismo, SEMPRe, quando vier o ruim, a sombra, escutar o som da natureza and that’s it!!! "Mareuzinha da suerte", hahaha

California, 05th of august til 01st of september

Music and creative dance class at the Croatian Cultural Center in Los Angeles
Great team of teachers: Cedric Leonardi, Hedda Leonardi, Jean Dumas and me

It's a feeling of a dream, Nomad Gondwana is now in California for a month, researching, travelling and trying to find partners and sponsor/co-produce the documentary "The Power of the Drums". 

MADRID, 21 de julio hasta 05 agosto 2011
Madri eh cinza, quente demais, traz hormônios a flor da pele, Antonio Lopez (artista visual maravilhoso) explica muita coisa, ainda bem, eh neste momento que acho a forca fundamental da arte, sem ela, não existiria, ou existiria de alma vazia, me preencho através desta potencia.

Festival d' Avignon, France ///
65 edition du 6 au 26 juillet 2011

Avignon, 18/07/11, there, I had a remarkable experience for having the opportunity to see Cesena, de Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas & Bjorn Schmelzer / Graindelavoix at 05 o'clock in the morning, it was cold I had sleept for one hour and a half, my love Jean arrived from Millau at 03 o'clock from a "soiree africaine" he did with two other senegalese musicians. He was dead but I could not sleep knowing I had tickets to watch this piece, even though I was very tired. I drank a super strong coffe, drove the 90 km from Montpellier to Avignon VERY awake with Jean grumbling next to me. When we finally arrived, he rather stay sleeping in the car than watching the performance, I gave his ticket to a lucky woman passing by but I promisse it was worth to go, the perfomance was stunning!!! This piece was made specially to the beautiful Palais de Papes located in the center of Avignon, it will also be performed inside theatres but I'm sure it can't get the same dimension as it did in "Les Palais de Papes". I didn't know anything about the work, I just knew from Gabriel (one of the dancers who I met in Rio de Janeiro in january this year) that the piece was made for the sun rising, of course there is much more, but by that time we talked, they haven't rehearsed as they've started in february and performed for the first time now for the Avignon Festival.
Some thoughts, sensations about the piece...
This work stays in the body as a vibration, the nineteen performers sing and dance, some are dancers, some are singers, you can identify their specificities but public who were not specialist couldn't as they were all very good. There is no artificial light at any moment, it started in the dark, with some stars shinning, the first image of a naked body singing lasts for some time, you can't really see if it is naked or not, this moment anoyed me a bit as he was not a very good singer but it was bit strong from the eco it made in the place, it comes another dancer who beats in the wall for ages, the first images was like a dream, a drawing made of pencil that you pass a rubber and you can't see very well, blurry images for a long time with the sound of someone beating with a mallet one the wall, doing a minimalist sound/moment, where you can identify very well that is a work made of Anne Tereza...
the dancers arrive jumping, there is a circle of sand in the midle of the stage. In the dark, although it was full moon you can't really see the movements but the sounds of them sliding in the sand provoke our attention, the piece last for two hours, I had moments of meditation, admiration and thoughts like "what is that?" in the moment of "the massacre" but this can be only answered by the creators, doughts I would ask one day... I was not very covered as it was quite cold but it didn't really mattered as I was completely absorved by everything that was happening but by the end I was freezing and shaking. That is what made me full there, even more because I could feel my hall body, I was 100% envolved as the dance came as stars falling down from the sky, as we were all the same, the flow of the movement brought me awareness of everything that was happening, the beautiful qualities and movement phrases were harmonical to all elements used. Anyway, I'm quite tired, I just want to write to don't forget, I would love to keep some songs everyday in my mind like a mantra, actually it made me remember Meredith Monk...
"Les Palais de Papes" patrimoine mondiale de l'humanite 
construido em1335
and in the same day...
 Santana's concert in the fantastic "Arènes de Nîmes"

Ratinho Jean nao pode deixar de ir ao show do Santana quando eles estao por perto, Jean eh amigo de todos os musicos, o que o possibilita de ganhar ingressos "all acess" para todas as vezes que ele quiser assistir ao show. Raul, um dos incriveis percussionistas is like Jean's oldest brother, a very wonderful person...Jean, ja teve a possibilidade de subir e tocar em alguns shows do grupo, ele simplesmente ama a qualidade musical desta banda, incrivel e virtuosissima e eu como parceira vou junto, mas nao da pra negar, os caras sao fo...,muito bons, apesar de achar algumas letras meio "cafoninhas", tipo "el corazon...", tirando isso eh demais.
MoNaCo..., with Alice and Jean /// 15 e 16/07/2011
Cascade de Creissels (a cote Millau), 14/07/2011
Filha de OXUM com OGUM /// OXUM and OGUM's Daughter
Millau, France
Le 09 juillet c'etait l' Opening de la "Brasserie des Batelliers" a Millau, a place where me and Jean experiment good things, it is like a laboratory of experimentations and small performances, we research music and dance every weekend over this place, I would say that my "beau frere" became a kind of "mecena" in our lives, well, he is learning...


Montpellier, France
In 2008, was the first time I came to Montpellier with Jean, who is now my husband, he showed me with great excitment the city centre, which I call "cidade de areia" (sand city). In 2009 we get married here, friends who I met in London during my post graduate course at Laban, brazilian and french family came with happiness and love to celebrate such a remarkable moment in my life.
I have wonderful memories from this region. I couldn't come for a long time as I was working full time at Deborah Colker's Movement Centre and this year is the first time I'm having the great oportunity to watch performances, participate in "ateliers", workshops, conferences and see what is going on in the contemporary dance.

So, here I am to share a bit of montpellier danse & mouvement sur la ville

Montpellier Danse is a contemporary dance festival which happens every year in the city of Montpellier and "villages" around the region Languedoc-Roussillon. There are plenties activities in the contemporary dance field in Montpellier. It was here where Dominique Bagouet founded his dance company, which created a new form of vision towards dance in France. He also directed the Choreographic Centre and passed away in 1922. It is worth to check out videos about his works, books and etc. Bagouet is an important french dance reference.

Here I share the performances I have seen in montpellier danse festival:

Franko B - "I'm thinking of you"
Bartabas / Ko Murobushi - "Le centaure et l'animal"
Tamar Borer / Tamara Erde - "Ana"
Deborah Hay / Laurent Pichaud - "Indivisibilites"
insuportavel! I can't support this kind of performances anymore. Ok, I know they need to exist as it is very conceptual, and in the world of dance you have to SHOW that the public is very stupid to say that your piece is super philosophical and we are stupid to don't get it, I don't know some people have to show that they think to give more importance to dance. I have a number of creators who are in the pack of "conceptual dance" as I admire very much, as Xavier Le Roy, Marta Soares and many others but their pieces are totally different from this masturbating thing that I have seen. I don't think it's fair to pay to watch those kind of things, you should let people in without ticket, admire for ten minutes and that's it. There was an installation, with interesting objects...to be continued
Philippe Menard - "P.P.P"
Incrediable, just amazing the work of this man/woman, she is a REAL performer in the sense of live art performance. The best performer I've seen in montpellier danse...
Philippe Menard - "L'apres-midi d'un foehn/Black monodie"
Hofesh Shechter - "Political mother"
Exciting!! "Let's Rock", sometimes it was a bit too noisy, too much battery, too much guitar with the same accords, melodies, I don't know how to explain, as I'm not musician but my husband will help me as he watched as well but believe me, he slept at some points...
Meryl Tankard - "The oracle"
Ballet Royal de Flandres / W. Forsythe - "Artifact"
Beautiful mouvement quality and the innovate work he does for ballet technique, a piece from the 80's but still very contemporary. Perfect "corpo de baile" everyone impecable.
Angela Laurier - "L'angela bete" & Angela Laurier - "J'aimerais pouvoir rire"
This one I didn't see because I arrived 10 minutes late, I was taking a glass of "rose" and leting myself have fun in the perfect weather it was at that moment, as it is not everyday and also in the ticket it was writen Agora as address but it was at the Choreographic Center. Never mind, as I found very boring the piece"L'angela bete", she is a very good performer, funny canadien accent, good trained body and some ideas but the performance dindn't caught me at the majority of the time, it passed as some boring programme in the Tv, actually I don't really remember but it was suppose to be a comedy and I hate when you are suppose to laugh and it is not funny at all for me, maybe for others it was and they loved it, as we are different there is taste for everything...
Jakov Labrovic - "C8H11NO2"
This was the first part of "L'angela bete", let's not talk about it...
Barak Marshall - "Rooster"
Kind of musical comedy, good research of movement, everything in an "impact" quality of the time but everyone dacing the same.
Yossi Berg / Oded Graf - "Animal lost"
Emanuel gat - "Brilliant corners"
Raimund Hoghe - "L'apres-mid de Raimund H."
Raimund Hoghe - A piece for the piazza at the Choeographic Center

I'm still absorving some of them but I plan to write something about each of them.

I have also seen good works during the saison jan-mai from montpellier danse but I'm still organising papers, tickets and etc and them concentrate every day to write a bit about what I've seen.


june 2011
Devo confessar que nao estava com este sorriso logo que cheguei em NYC, estava pelo fato de ver minha familia e amigos, mas passei dois dias estranhando enormemente o consumo frenetico e o "Made in China" deste lugar, as outras vezes que estive neste lugar a consciencia era outra e pelo fato de ter estado na Africa, percebo o quanto nao precisamos de tanta materia, os valores sao outros, mas devo dizer que pra quem danca eh uma mega realizacao explorar esta bigAple, tambem amei conversar com os taxistas, todos sao imigrantes com uma boa historia pra contar, os indianos ou paquistaneses nao sao tao "easygoing" assim...promisse I'll more and post this paragraph in english as well...

NY is a fantastic place, to do some trainning in contemporary dance, meet artists, watch performances, perform, dance and have fun with my beautiful family.
In 2007, I took Limon classes at Peridance studio, this year I took morning classes with Michelle Boule and Klein technique with Barbara Mahler.

Janet Panetta, her cute dog and I in one of movement research studios. I had the great opportunity to take Janet's class in ImPusTanz Festival in Vienna, 2010. Janet teaches Ballet for Contemporary Dancers around the world, so I had the chance to get her last class in NY before she went to Paris. In my opinion ballet should be taken with Zelia Monteiro and Janet Panetta.

    Trisha Brown Dance Company @ High Line

Performance de Meredith Monk (still going to post more about it)

Performance @ L'Orange Blue http://www.lorangebleue.com/

Portraits "SOHO Legends" from the artist Nikki Schiro. I love those paintings, Jean, my love, is there as part of one of l'orange blue characters, I met Vincent (one of the owners of this fantastic place. Vincent is one of Jean's best friend, he asked me to have a group performing when I went to the restaurant to meet him, I immediately talked to Raquel and three days after, we did a great evening there. Raquel Dutra is a special friend who I met in "Artes do Corpo" graduation, we got closer in Vienna during residencies at ImPulsTanz, Raquel has a Diary of potential forms, it's worth to visit it, I love it: http://mydiaryofpotentialforms.tumblr.com/ So, Raquel played keybord and sang, Marilia Sampaio was on the bass and Win Scialla on drums, they are "Raquel and the Carnaval". I was there to perform and make people join the performance, I've mixed many things, contemporary, bizarre tango, samba (in my way)....

Apartamento da Ines (minha irmazita) no Brooklyn. Fizemos imagens de uma improvisacao nas escadas de incendio do predio, eh claro que era proibido, mais um motivo pra escolher este local. Alias quase tudo eh proibido, pois estamos sempre sendo vigiados na cidade, mas nao neste lugar... apenas olhos de vizinhos curiosos.
My sister's flat in Brooklyn. We played with some movements improvisation in the fire escalators, it was forbidden but I like when I have to take risks...

"...in a rainbow rainy way..."
Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Trabalho em processo de edicao da video para a linda musica "Rainy Rainbow Way" de Raquel Dutra. Ines Machado, fez as imagens com muita delicadeza e sensibilidade.

Work in process of video edition for the beautiful song Rainy Rainbow Way, it's possible to hear the song visiting the address I mention below at l'orange blue paragraph. 

Obra de Anish Kapoor

Encontro com Pedro Maia
Meu querido amigo artista plastico, Pedro estava em NYC no mesmo periodo que eu, foi um otimo encontro, conheci o trabalho dele por net, mas a vontade agora eh conhecer mesmo ao vivo. Ele me indicou a exposicao de Francis Alys, a qual esta sendo exibida no MoMa e me tocou enormemente. Uma noite conversamos no Brooklyn ate as 05:30 da manha, Pedro me fez revisitar memorias como; os trabalhos de Gurdjieff que tinha o habito de praticar, meditacao, Mato Grosso do Sul, EUA, Franca, artistas, familia, amigos campo grandensses que habitaram em sampa, que ainda habitam e que nao habitam mais...em fim, questionamentos surgiram e ainda surgem. Pedro, obrigada pelo encontro, este me afetou. E vc que me le, quantos encontros realmente ja te afetetaram???

Planetarium no Museu de Historia Natural, na mesma hora me lembrei de Jorge Albuquerque Vieira, meu professor de Teoria Geral dos Sistemas na Puc, um poeta, astrofisico, sensivel, generoso. Jorge, obrigada por exisitr e por ter me ajudado a reconhecer o "unwelt", os "evolun" e tamanha complexidade...